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Accredited by the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists
Conveniently located in Apple Discount Drugs in Fruitland
Services are usually covered by Medicare and other private payers
Managing Diabetes isn't easy. Let our team of experts help you balance all you need to succeed!
Schedule an appointment today with John Motsko, our Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.
What are patients are saying:
"I learned more from you in the last hour than I have learned from my doctor in 20 years."
"My doctor is too busy to explain things to me; I never really understood what diabetes is or why is am taking all this medicines."
"I always tested my blood sugar in the morning. Why, because nobody told me anything different."
"Seeing my blood sugar reading on a graph when I test at different times of the day really helped me “see” how different foods affect my blood sugar."
"I loved the group classes. I not only learned from you, but learned from the others. I realized I am not the only one with challenges."
"Both you and Geoff treat me like you really care; your services are very personal and have given me the confidence I can manage my diabetes."

Certified Diabetes Educators
Group Diabetes Education
One-on-One Counseling
Glucose Meter Download and Analysis
CGM and Flash Glucose Monitoring Support
Medication Therapy Management
Immunizations and Vaccinations
Respiratory Services, Supplies, and Equipment